Willow Srings Boys Ranch Policy
Admission criteria will be utilized to assess an applicant's appropriateness prior to acceptance for admissions. Please call the WSBR office before beginning the written application with any questions regarding admission criteria (405) 258-5176.
All available information is obtained on the applicant. The Admissions Team, comprised of the executive director, counselor and house parents, screens application information initially. A determination will then be made regarding admission. The Admissions Team will make the final determination on admission. Candidates are considered for admission without regard to race, religion, or ethnic origin. Placement determination is based upon Willow Springs Boys Ranch's ability to serve the applicant's problems and needs as determined by the Admission Team. Please contact us before beginning the written application.
Acceptable Admission Criteria
Willow Springs Boys Ranch accepts boys who are:
School age through high school graduation (Depending upon ages of current boys)
At-risk or in need of supervision
Family crisis or instability, death in the family, grandparents raising grandsons
Unacceptable Admission Criteria
WSBR provides services for basic child-care needs in a loving structured family environment. Unfortunately, WSBR is not equipped to provide services for the following circumstances:
Chronic anti-social behavior, serious assaultive behavior, arson or fire setting history, inability to function in public school setting, sophisticated crime or street gang history or three or more years of failed placements.
Severe substance abuse, chemical dependency requiring detoxification at time of admission or history of intravenous substance abuse.
Severe psychiatric disorder in need of hospitalization.
Physical handicap, handicap limiting child's access to full facilities and program participation, i.e. paraplegic requiring use of wheelchair, severely impaired hearing or severely impaired sight.
Severe learning disabilities, severe visual processing learning disability, severe auditory processing.
Marked irreversible brain damage resulting from head trauma.
Significant organic brain impairment.
Medical illness, severe diabetes, epilepsy, hemophilia, severe food allergies requiring special diets or other illnesses limiting participation and functioning in the ranch program.
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